ScanCoveryTrial … Southgrove whippet representation in Scandinavia team 41 and 46
the 7th startposition today for team 41
The ScanCoveryTrial is a car event beyond the the Dutch borders The ScanCoveryTrial Edition 4 started Saturday, January 4 and ends January 11, 2014.
The tour takes them across Scandinavia in seven days, more than 7000 km and under conditions with a lot of snow, ice and temperatures that can drop to minus 40 degrees Celcius. The ScanCoveryTrial is definitely not a race or rally race car but a tour with a strict observance of traffic rules are essential for competitive element. The ScanCoveryTrial a very unique tour of its kind. To support a charity goal “Miles fot Muscles” to raise funds for the research of SMA (Spinale Musculaire Atrofie)